
Showing posts with the label accounting

#SahodItaasPresyoIbaba Economics May Be Confusing Profits for Revenues

A really disastrous decision! As I read through Facebook, the amazing foolishness and economic illiteracy are there. What do you expect from a nation that's driven by an education system where economics was only taught in either the  third year or fourth year , under K+10? What do you expect from a nation where mathematics education focuses too much on theory rather than the wonderful application of the subject? I'm going to write about those who talk about FDIs, that only they will get rich because they will run away with the profits, etc. It's because I'm afraid there's really a lack of understanding of what profit really is.  Most people in the Philippines may be operating with the typical merkado mindset. I remember reading through the arguments of someone who quotes CTTO Merkado. Who in the world is Merkado CTTO (read here )? As I was thinking about it, I heard about how people running businesses in the merkado or marketplace, whether it's the wet market or

Understanding the Supply/Demand in the Job Market, Not #SahodItaasPresyoIbaba Economics

It's really annoying when people keep up with their #SahodItaasPresyoIbaba economics. It's easy to ridicule me because I'm not using a domain, unlike sites like the IBON Foundation. However, they may be very beholden to the WordPress blog of Atty. Teodoro "Teddy" A. Casiño (which is currently not as updated as intended, presumably due to his busy schedule as a lawyer), which is a free domain just like BlogSpot. Now, I'm going to write another post on the job market. Since I'm being belittled because of my lack of degrees like the Monsod couple (I'm neither a lawyer nor an economist) or the people at IBON, I'm going to quote other sources.  Graph taken from CFI I came across the Corporate Finance Institute   (where I got the graph above) where I found a useful article on the job market. This would be to help me understand why salaries just shouldn't be increased (or decreased) at a whim . This would also help understand how allowing more MNCs to

JT's Manukan Grille Opening in Singapore is PROOF That Filipino Businesses Can Survive in Economic Charter Change

  Here's some news that I failed to catch up with. The news that Filipino actor Jole Torre is opening JT's Manukan in Singapore can be a source of Pinoy Pride. Yes, it's something that I, as a Filipino, can be proud of not myself as a Filipino, but of my fellow Filipino . Just as Jollibee made me jolly with furthering relations between Singapore and the Philippines, I believe Torre's business opening in Singapore should make me jolly too. Harimanok Inc., franchise company of JT’s Manukan Grille, announced that it has finalized a joint venture agreement with food court operator Asian Food Mall for the opening of a new outlet in Singapore in May 2024 . The new international store will be located at Asian Food Mall in Lucky Plaza mall along Orchard Road. Lucky Plaza has proven to be one of the most successful shopping centers in Singapore . Joel Torre, veteran Filipino actor and indie film producer/director and Harimanok, Inc. CEO said: “ We are excited to represent the i

The Trust Me Bro School of Economics Has Proof Econ Cha Cha Will Worsen Inflation, Please Read

As the talk about economic charter change continues, I would like to point to the claim by Rep. France Castro of the ACT Partylist . Her claim says economic charter change or econ cha-cha will allegedly worsen inflation. What's the point with Castro? I will share this excerpt from The Inquirer : The IBON Foundation has rightly pointed out that if foreigners dominate our educational institutions, media, utilities, and other essential needs such as food, energy, and resources, it will not only infringe upon our fundamental rights but also jeopardize our ability to ensure our own interests are protected,” Castro said. She also stressed that the cost of living is already high , even without foreign dominance in the economy. The public should also be wary of pro-big business and pro-foreign policies such as privatization, deregulation, and liberalization, which, according to Castro, burden poor Filipino consumers . “We also cannot overlook the potential consequences of foreign goods an

I'm Afraid Many of My Fellow Filipinos REFUSE to Make Financial New Year's Resolutions

WWD I really hate December because of the heavy traffic. Some say that people do last-minute Christmas shopping because they just live paycheck to paycheck. However, the way things go during payday can tell why they can't have the money to do some early Christmas shopping . An irony indeed that Christmas comes early in the Philippines (September) but not the Christmas shopping.  Indeed, so many should realize that living paycheck-to-paycheck should be a warning not to splurge on it (read here ). Instead, they choose to many stupid activities. Maybe, call in the one-day paycheck where they immediately go splurging the paycheck when it arrives. They would focus more on their wants than their needs. I guess that's why some fools are demanding the stupidity of higher salaries and lower price of goods aka Sahod Itaas Presyo Ibaba. I'm afraid that such a move isn't economically feasible (read here ). Even if they do get a high-income job (or even become an OFW for better inco

Helping Others is Good But Not to One's Own Expense

I advocate for helping others. I believe in helping others but there were times I overdid it. One time, I gave up so much that I had to be stopped. I was told, "If you gave everything now, how can you help others later?" I would donate some sums here and there, without thinking much. I'm not going to write them all. Some of them left me good while others left a bad taste (and a bad record) for me to endure. Sure, I want to help people but I tend to overlook the consequences. Some of the bad habits I had in the name of helping others are like: Being too generous with buying with credit. Eventually, I lost a lot of money which was never recovered . Some seasoned entrepreneurs may admit their own falls including the credit trap pitfall. Being too willing to give a discount without thinking about how it'd affect profits. Sure, a cheap price can draw people near. However, there are times when the prices of goods and services need to be raised to keep a business running. I

Raising Salaries During Inflation Can Worsen Inflation

Translation:  Raise up salaries! Lower prices!  Let's all be united and move for a sustainable salary!  It's tomorrow! Let's see each other on #MayOne2023! It's May 1 today and it's referred to as Labor Day . One of the many organizations in the Philippines called Kilusang Mayo Uno (May 1 Movement) has been doing the same nonsense all the time. Do these people even have the slightest idea of wealth generation? I doubt it. They have been demanding the same thing all over again. I wonder if these people are aware that it's not sustainable (read here ). The same movement has been to have salary increases in the midst of inflation. At first, it sounds like a good idea. However, the economic aspect will totally reveal why it isn't feasible. The Economics Help website presents why doing so can actually worsen inflation: Wage Push Inflation. If labour is able to push for higher wages, despite lower growth, then we could get a combination of rising inflation, but s

Simple Logic: Prices of Basic Goods Will COST HIGHER in the Shopping Mall Groceries

I really must laugh and cringe at the stupidity of so-called thought leaders on Facebook. I did name some of them such as Silent No More PH. From a photo of whipped cream to red onions (above). The photos were taken at a mall grocery . I even wonder if the people of Silent No More PH (and since when were they ever silent) ever bother to do a simple supply chain analysis . That's why I wrote an article where I addressed if social media gossipers even know anything about supply chain analysis (read here ). It would be idiotic to go to a shopping mall and expect public market (palengke in Tagalog) price levels.  It's because we have this simple supply chain analysis to think about public markets vs. malls Just think about how the supply chain goes. So, let's think about the suppliers of raw materials. Let's think about one of the unavoidable problems of the gasoline price increase. How many times do I need to tell people that the prices of gasoline are a

Do Those Social Media Gossipers Complaining About Inflation Know ANYTHING About BASIC Supply Chain Management?

It's really funny (and frustrating) to see all the posts on Facebook concerning inflation. "Thought leader" page Silent No More Philippines is just one of them. I couldn't help but laugh (and cringe) when they started complaining about the prices of goods increasing. Unfortunately, that page is only known for complaining since the reign of former Philippine president, Rodrigo R. Duterte and the recent reign of Philippine President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. Once again, I'd like to state that I didn't vote for Marcos Jr. The problem with that page isn't their criticism. The problem is that the page hardly displays solutions. In fact, recent posts that they have complained about inflation and the increase in price of Jollibee fast food makes me ask, "Do they know a thing about supply chain management ?" That's why I really refuse to take advice from social media gossipers, especially in matters about economics (read here ). I dec

Are You Suffering from Generational Stinginess?

Simple Sum Philippines As Christmas draws near, it's very easy to think about bad money habits, right? I remembered I used to overspend as a teenager and I had to deal with not having much money. Though, it was also a problem when generational stinginess strikes. Is it me or are the baby boomer (1946-1964) tend to be that stingy except for a few? What irritates me is when these kinds of habits strike: The opposite extremes of being either stingy or extravagant . Being thrifty is the middle road. When a family either doesn't value competence or overemphasizes being on top. I think a good topic that I wanted to write about for some time is passing down stingy habits. It gets irritating talking to typical boomers who feel like they've achieved a lot. What's worse is when they complain that their children aren't matching them. I wonder if baby boomers are also the reason why the Philippines got stuck with K+10 for a long time . All the while, the ASEAN neighbors have al

Refuting the Claim That Workers, Not Entrepreneurs, Own the Means of Production

Another ongoing nonsense by leftists is that the workers, not the entrepreneurs, are the ones who own the means of production. This would be complete nonsense spreading on social media. Having graduated from the College of Commerce (now the School of Business and E conomics ) makes me cringe at the idea. I've had some business marketing classes, accounting classes, and operations management classes which can help refute this idea. I keep hearing, "If only the poor will unite altogether--you rich are no more." Well, let's try and think about how the idea of workers, not entrepreneurs, owning the means of production can't work. Defining what capital really means Image by Sabrina Jiang © Investopedia 2020 The sample income statement by Investopedia tells you the capital. Capital is defined by the Investopedia as: Capital is a broad term that can describe any thing that confers value or benefit to its owner, such as a factory and its machinery, intellectual property l