
A Curious Look at China's Xiaomi Defeating Samsung and Apple in the Smartphone Market

Xiaomi Planet Is China truly an even bigger awakened dragon? A bit of the history of Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms had transformed China from an impoverished communist state into a glorious one. Though, one can say China isn't really communist anymore as it has abandoned the traditional model of Karl Marx and Mao Zedong. Instead, Deng opted for what he called "socialism with Chinese characteristics". Who would have thought that Deng's economic reforms would create a raging dragon out of China in the world of economics? This would probably be true as new Chinese products are soaring in the world. There's Huawei and there's Xiaomi. You may now be wearing a Mi-Band and be using a POCO Phone--both products by Xiaomi.  It's no secret that Samsung once defeated Apple. Apple is pretty much a high-end phone. Having an Apple means having a high-en phone which, like a Mercedes Benz or BMW, is more of a status symbol. However, Samsung managed to produce some c

If It's Too Good to be True, Don't Take That Investment

One of the many mistakes that anybody can make (including myself) is to get into an investment scam. I remembered having been conned out of money and never recovered it. It's quite a charge to your painful experience, right? Then I remembered how during my MBA days--there were also other pyramid scams and some of the victims were MBA students. A sad fact, really, that some are educated but never learned . Elon Musk even says one can get a degree and still be a fool. The story of The Scholars and the Lion had three foolish scholars who decided to resurrect a dead lion--in spite of knowing the danger of doing so. This happens also with investment scams. Some of those who get scammed do have a degree or going to graduate school. I got scammed during my stay in graduate school. I even deserved to be ridiculed and asked, "Is that what they teach you in graduate school?" Even more, I remembered getting Cash2Go which isn't exactly a feasible thing for some even if it's n

Applying Business Administration Lessons in Remembering Ruping, Surviving Odette

I remembered back in 1991 when it was in November--the time when typhoons are prone to strike. Ruping was for me a really painful, traumatic experience that somehow made me scared of brownouts. In the case of Cebu--it was a blackout. It was also what led to the phenomenon called Ceboom . It was really one month of a blackout and chaos was really expected. I was soon scared of typhoons and brownouts that followed. It didn't help that I had to deal with a Filipino nanny who kept telling ghost stories in the dark, thinking that they were funny. I was only six years old yet the memory can still be there. I had an infant baby sister at that time. Everything was just downright scary especially at night. We couldn't charge our emergency lamps because there was no electricity. It was a total disaster. My memory was bleak though it seemed to relive during Odette late last year. It was three weeks without electricity. We were fortunate to eventually get a generator though we operated at