
Scam Alert: Why You Should NEVER Entertain (or Even Accept) Monetary or Job Offers Via Phone or Text

I think one of the most common frauds that you may have passed through is phone scams. These may happen via the landline or on your mobile phone. Either way, I remembered a series of recruitment scams that promised I have money, claiming to be from foreign exchange, or I can get a high-paying job that's worth (insert preposterous amount) per day. I could remember the various locations given were in shady areas  downtown. Some of them even went to give the name of their company but it, was no surprise, it wasn't registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Why do I even want to give in to such a scam? It all started with landlines where they offer certain packages. I could remember how I was told to go to this location downtown first. After having been victimized by a scam by a family friend --I thought it's not a good idea anymore. The offer was too good to be true. Some of them pretended to be from the foreign exchange (forex). However, there are so many f

The Importance of Statistics in Business Decisions

Toppr   I think another subject worth talking about is statistics. I found it stupid (back then) that economics and statistics were only taught in fourth-year high school under the K+10 curriculum. The statistics subject was meant to teach how to process data in the term paper. College came and statistics was a subject that was required in both computer courses and commerce courses. Business calculus was also a common subject. I wanted to think about how I took statistics subjects during my undergraduate days and graduate school days. I would believe I had a total of nine units of statistics.  Statistics would be defined as follows: Statistics is a branch of applied mathematics that involves the collection, description, analysis, and inference of conclusions from quantitative data . The mathematical theories behind statistics rely heavily on differential and integral calculus, linear algebra, and probability theory . Statisticians, people who do statistics, are particularly concerned w

The Ghost of the Quadriga-CX Crypto-Scam

Newsweek I was looking for yet another exciting topic to write about. It turns out that I might as well deal with yet another reason why I'm not entering into the creepy world of cryptocurrency. Now, a new documentary on Netflix known as Trust No One: Hunt for the Crypto King features yet another scam. You may have heard of the crypto-queen from Bulgaria, Ruja Ignatova, who's currently in hiding. Right now, Ignatova is just missing. In the case of the Crypto-King, Gerald Cotten, it was reported that he died last December 9, 2018. However, some people assume that he might have faked his death in India, which for some, didn't make sense. Even his widow had testified that she was with him when he died. Though, events like the funeral where the coffin wasn't opened for public viewing or other stuff may suggest that he faked his death. The documentary did reveal how a scammer faked suicide and later turned himself in.  Why did people enter into deals with Quadriga-CX? A Chin

Adolf Hitler's Economic Protectionist Policies Helped Fuel the Second World War

Getty Images History is always linked to economics and business no matter what. I may not need knowledge of events from the First World War to the Second World War to nail a profit. However, history itself is needed for one thing, "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it." History can also help us understand current events like inflation from the Russia-Ukraine War or factors that affect the stock market's supply and demand. I think one of the most important lessons is Nazi Germany's, Adolf Hitler. It sounds creepy but one should know about Hitler's really evil economic legacy. Hitler's poor economic policies made Germany poor and it took a long time to recover. Sure, Germany is now an economic model with its free-market enterprise. However, Hitler was an enemy of the free market one way or another.  We need to understand Hitler's failed economic policies The Mises Institute's "Hitler's Economics" writes the followi

The WORLDWIDE Great Depression Was Worsened, NOT Relieved, by Economic Protectionism

I feel like doing a study with history right now. People tell me to study history when they try to defend how protectionism made first-world countries a powerhouse. However, a flick on the pages of Lee Kuan Yew's classic From Third World to First  will tell you that's a big fat lie. I feel like talking about the Great Depression from 1929 to 1939 which also involved the Stock Market Crash of 1929. These events can be rooted in economic protectionism . Economic protectionism is defined by the Investopedia as follows: Protectionism refers to government policies that restrict international trade to help domestic industries. Protectionist policies are usually implemented with the goal to improve economic activity within a domestic economy but can also be implemented for safety or quality concerns. The dumb legislation that made it worse I remembered reading about the Stock Market Crash of 1929. The causes of it were linked to people buying too many stocks. Local companies overprod

Why I Feel Rushing Into Stock Trade is Financial Suicide

Business World Online I was thinking about how I impulsively handled money by allowing a "friend" to buy in credit after she paid back initially. The issue was that I wanted only my returns than "play it safe". The same can happen with stocks. The stock market is high-risk trading in which one must have extreme caution. The tip given during a financial seminar at the University of San Carlos-Main (USC-Main) during my Masters in Business Administration days was to invest only excess money. It's said to invest only in the money you're prepared to lose and that makes investing sound like gambling . In my case, I prefer it said, "Invest only the money you don't need right now." Money that's set aside for needs isn't where stocks should be. In short, it's plain suicide to put all your money into stocks because it's not as liquid as it sounds. Sometimes, it may take longer to receive the money such as a two-day procedure. You need mon

Filipino Businesses Need More Competition Than Democracy

Enterprise League Oftentimes, I remembered the number of complaints I get such as the Internet being so slow, the recent Typhoon Odette restoration being rather slow, high-cost but low-quality services, and that there's just not enough supply. However, the same people who are complaining about what I just mentioned earlier also said that I'm crazy when I told them to invite foreign direct investments (FDI) such as multinational corporations to invest here. Their line of reasoning goes from every weird direct line such as saying that multinational corporations (MNCs) are the form of the new "imperialism", that only the MNCs will get rich if we let them do business in the Philippines, that MNCs will exploit the people, that it will be overly relying on foreigners, and I don't know where they get such thinking. When I ask them for the solution--they just say that "Let's just do everything ourselves and rely on ourselves." Such logic is really stupid one