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Showing posts from October, 2022

Protectionists' Scare Tactics Against Free Trade for the Philippines

Happy Halloween, I guess? I decided to write this article just today to tackle  scare tactics against economic liberalization. A scare tactic is defined as a strategy intended to manipulate public opinion about a particular issue by arousing fear or alarm. Economic liberalization is defined by  Investopedia as: Trade liberalization is the removal or reduction of restrictions or barriers on the free exchange of goods between nations. These barriers include tariffs, such as duties and surcharges, and nontariff barriers, such as licensing rules and quotas. Economists often view the easing or eradication of these restrictions as steps to promote free trade. This is also where we have  free trade . I've read protectionist scare tactics during the times of former Philippine presidents, the late Benigno Simeon C. Aquino, and Rodrigo R. Duterte. I found a lot on Facebook and Twitter . It's not uncommon really that stupid people abound on social media and write the stupidest thin...

My Personal Review of Jolly Bubble's New Bento Meals I've Recently Liked

I wrote my personal review on Jolly Bubble (read here ). I decided to order some of their new bento meals via Foodpanda. Here are a few bento meals from Jolly Bubble which I'd personally recommend: Breaded pork or tonkatsu with scrambled eggs and honey sauce If you're looking for tonkatsu - here's a new delicious dish that had been popular in the Food Panda order menu. Filipinos do have a love for pork. I'm not quite a pork fan (since I'm watching my weight). However, an occasional eating of this tonkatsu with honey sauce and scrambled eggs can be good. I was able to order one (guilt free) because I've been doing several aerobics exercises recently to lose weight. So far, it's a good recommendation but not as much as... Tonkatsu with mapo tofu It's no secret that I'm a fan of tofu. This combination has been one of my favorites. The mapo tofu almost serves as a sauce for the tonkatsu. I pretty much like how both complement each other. I pretty much en...

The Stupidity of Wanting More Investments But Still Unwilling to Remove UNNECESSARY Restrictions

I was doing some browsing on Facebook. I'm really amazed at how people can be so stupid. Worse, some of these stupid people happen to be university graduates . I guess having a degree is just a degree if the person has very little common sense, am I right? Even a licensed professionals can be very foolish if they misuse their titles for personal gain or promote something stupid. I noticed some people who identify themselves as Kakampinks (a term given when the Liberal Party of the Philippines' presidential candidiate, Maria Leonor Gerona-Robredo chose pink) still don't get it. Some Pinks (formerly known as Dilawan or Yellows) have had a better understanding of economics. Some of them are economist Andrew James Masigan and the late John Charles "Carlos" P. Celdran. Masigan has been a long proponent of economic reforms. Celdran understood the problems holding the Philippines' potential back. Unfortunately, some people have been lacking rela understanding. Some o...

For the Love of Toxic Business Relationships

As Christmas approaches, it's very important to keep in mind  toxic relationships . I was reminded of how a former friend tried to "reconcile" because it was nearing Christmas. I'm also reminded of some people who seem who have a deadly obsession with toxic business relationships. Some time ago, I tried to talk sense to someone about having a toxic business relationship . I told the person that if the relationship is toxic-- cut it off . However, the person only replied that she was feeling sorry for the person because of her toxic partner's huge capital invested . Well, isn't it the rule of investment to invest only what you don't need now? The toxic relationship persisted which caused a huge drain in the money of the person.  There's also the false statement that the customer is always right. Unfortunately, that phrase is so wrong on many levels. You may have inconsiderate customers who cut in line. You may have tenants who don't pay rent at the ...

Vietnam May Become More Than a Rising Tiger Faster than the Philippines

Taiwan News If China had the late Deng Xiaoping then Vietnam had the late Nguyen Duy Cong aka Do Muoi . Reading the book From Third World to First had given details of the late Lee Kuan Yew's meetings with Do Muoi and other Vietnamese officers. Doi Moi was a movement that started Vietnam's economic recovery from once a poor Communist state into a glorious Communist state. It's because Do Muoi decided that it was time for a change in Vietnam's communist ways. The movement would defy what traditional communism taught. Deng defied Mao Zedong's protectionism. Now, Do Muoi would be an important part of Vietnam's development. It was interesting to know how Do Muoi was a man ahead of his time. Do Muoi's instructions were to learn from Singapore . It's a very far cry from the anti-reform fools who say it out on social media. Some say that the Philippines can't learn anything from Singapore because of this and that. Vietnam is bigger than Singapore. Vietnam i...

Taiwan: The Little David That Defeated the Protectionist Goliath, China

Tomorrow is the Double Ten's celebration. October 10, 1911, played a significant role in Taiwan's history. It's often mistaken for Taiwanese Independence Day. Taiwan became a   separate state under Chiang Kai Shek on October 25, 1945. It somehow puzzles me how Taiwan National Day is celebrated on October 10 instead of October 25. Here's an explanation regarding Double Ten's significance and why it's considered Taiwan National Day: October 10th is Taiwan National Day, but it is not Taiwan’s birthday .  Instead, it commemorates October 10, 1911, which was the start of an event called the Wuchang Uprising in China . This uprising led to the Xinhai Revolution which brought about the fall of the Qing (Ching) Dynasty, the end of the Chinese dynasties, and the founding of the Republic of China in 1912 .  At this time, Taiwan had been under the rule of the Empire of Japan since 1895, and it was not until the end of World War Two in 1945 that Japan was forced to relinqu...

You're Complaining About PHP Devaluation But Do You Know Some Asian Powerhouses Have WEAKER Currency?

  Social media comments can be very toxic, aren't they? Sure, I didn't vote for Philippine President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. However, I can't blame him for anything beyond his control. The late former Philippine president, Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III, had nothing to do with the prices of gasoline being lower. Neither does former Philippine president, Rodrigo R. Duterte, have anything to do with the prices of gasoline. We find that the US Dollar (USD) is definitely getting stronger in proportion to the Philippine peso (PHP). Yes, it could reach up to PHP 60.00 or even higher. I remembered experiencing this during the time of former Philippine president, Joseph M. Ejercito aka Joseph Estrada . I really blamed Estrada back then for it even when it wasn't his fault either.  People can start panicking over the devaluation of the PHP. There are plenty of crude comments on Facebook I wouldn't bother screenshotting them all. Instead, I decided to finally write this economi...