Would You Rather Die of Thirst and/or Heatstroke This Summer Than Accept Quality Water and Electricity Services from MNCs?
Looking at the IBON Foundation's page can be laughable . One may notice Atty. Neri Colmenares, someone who fortunately lost the senatorial race twice . I remember arguing about people who'd believe in the lies that Colmenares would propagate about FDIs. There's the call to stop water privatization (the call for the nationalization of the water industry) and the constant opposition to allowing foreigners to own 100%. Do they even get that 100% FDI ownership is all about share ownership and not land ownership ? As the summer heat intensifies due to the El Niño, I decided to write this entry. A good question to ask now is, "Would you rather die of thirst or a heatstroke than accept quality water and electricity services from MNCs?" What organizations like the IBON Foundation and Migrante International insist is on national industrialization over the acceptance of FDIs. The question is how do they expect to industrialize the nation based on doing everything on their ...