It's More Fun In The Philippines Thanks to the Filipino First Policy

I guess it can be called a day, right? This April 1, 2023, I'm finally calling it quits with fighting for economic liberalization! Yes, that's right! All the advocacy for economic liberalization is just garbage. Why did I even spend so much time writing this blog only to find out that I've been duped? I hereby renounce everything I wrote here. I finally saw how brilliant the Filipino First Policy is. Man, what have I done? How much damage have I caused in advocating for economic liberalization? 

The greatest president we ever had was...

High School Philippine History Movement

It's time to listen to the economic genius known as the late Carlos P. Garcia. Yes, he has to be one of the greatest presidents that ever existed. 

I took this note from the Bohol Provincial Library and found this about CPG's Filipino First Policy;

CPG adopted the “Filipino First” Policy to promote greater Filipino participation in business, and to put the Filipinos in control of the economy. After which, according to the economist Alejandro Lichauco’s book (1988) “Nationalist Economics,” during CPG’s time, the Philippines was the Tiger Economy in Asia. And by the end of his term, the Philippines was the only leading economy of Southeast Asia.

Wow, what a great claim! Why should I listen to the claims of foreigners who know nothing about the Philippines? A lot of statistics presented by international studies say that the Philippines is left behind by the ASEAN and are biased. CPG gave us the greatest thing--a tiger economy that practically was done in just four years. The late Lee Kuan Yew took three decades to make Singapore great. CPG did better than LKY with its marvelous Filipino First Policy. 

As the wise CPG said, here's one of the greatest words of wisdom during his inaugural speech:

The ”Filipino First” policy of this administration re­ceived a resounding popular indorsement in the last election. Politically we became independent since 1946, but econom­ically we are still semi-colonial. This is especially true in our foreign trade. This policy is therefore designed to regain economic independence. It is a national effort to the end that Filipinos obtain major and dominant participa­tion in their own national economy. This we will achieve with malice towards none and with fairness to all. We will accomplish this with full understanding of our inter­national obligations towards our friends of the Free World. We will carry this out within the framework of our special relations with the United States to whose citizens we granted until 1974, by Constitutional provision, equal rights as Filipinos in the exploitation of our natural resources and public utilities, and to whom we also granted trading parity rights under the Laurel-Langley Agreement. Under this policy we will welcome friendly and understanding foreign capital willing to collaborate with us in the exploitation of our vast natural resources preferably on joint venture basis.

 Man, what am I thinking? Why did I even badmouth CPG when he turned out to be such a genius and I'm very stupid? I'm going to confess I'm so stupid for bashing CPG. The great late Alejandro Lichauco published the book Nationalist Economics. It's already said that leaders of ASEAN were so impressed they all bought a copy of the book instead of going to LKY. They all decided to learn from Lichauco all about economic nationalism. Today, the real statistics taken from realistic fact-checkers such as Trust Me Bro and Dude Trust Me reveal that the Philippines is number one in ASEAN.

I'm finally seeing IBON Foundation (as well as other similar thought leaders) as legitimate economic sources

I really regret not taking IBON Foundation seriously. After reading the sources of the fact-checkers Trust Me Bro and Dude Trust Me--I'm seeing the light. The latest statistics of the IBON Foundation reveal the tragic results of FDI in the Philippines:

The devil is in the details, right? The proof is in the pudding right? IBON Foundation is a very reliable source. Man, was I so foolish not to see that presidents do control the prices of gasoline. Yes, it's the fault of presidents that gasoline prices, and not the world market nor the war between Ukraine and Russia. This is what the brilliant people at IBON Foundation have to say: 
Proponents of charter change insist that more FDI from changing the Constitution’s economic provisions will create job opportunities and decrease unemployment. Has unemployment decreased as FDI increased?

Annual FDI inflows increased from an average of US$1.6 billion annually in the decade 2000-2009 to US$5.9 billion in the decade 2010-2019. Yet the number of unemployed Filipinos stayed high at an average of 4.29 million unemployed Filipinos within the same period, before the pandemic lockdowns, with a peak of 4.71 million jobless in 2019. This uses the same unemployment methodology for consistency.

The data presented by IBON Foundation shows this new correlation presented by Dude Trust Me fact-checking. In fact, the geniuses of the Philippine Anti-Fascist League really show the sad truth about FDIs to the country:

This empirical data from the geniuses of the Philippine Anti-Fascist League shows the reality of FDI. No, they will not give jobs to locals but only to their people. Do you want proof? Why not take a look at every foreign-owned company. Food Panda drivers are all German. Grab drivers are all Singaporeans. The last time I got a milk tea drink, there was no single Filipino waiter. Instead, the milk tea was served by a Taiwanese. In short, FDIs have never provided jobs for Filipinos. Instead, only foreigners will get the jobs and that's the truth, dude trust me! That's why we should never support FDIs unless they give 60% of their equity to Filipinos.

Malaya Business Insight

Yes, the late Neil Doloricon was truly a genius when he made this wonderful cartoon. FDIs will only generate income for themselves. Why did I ignore the warning of Doloricon? I went to each and every place owned by an FDI, finding out that they NEVER PAID TAXES. Only local Filipino businesses have been paying taxes! That's why it was right for the great Caryn Candila of the League of Filipino Students was right to call it foreign imperialism. Teodoro A. Casiño is a great genius where article at Rappler gave us the best warning we had. Why did I even ignore it?
Without definite limits on foreign ownership and with no preference for Filipino citizens and corporations, the Constitutional provisions on the national economy and patrimony would become a tabula rasa. It would now be up to the Federal Assembly to determine policies on foreign equity sharing and just about anything there is about the economy and our natural resources. This, of course, creates an entirely new window for corporate lobbying, putting small, underfunded Filipino citizens and corporations at a great disadvantage.

Worse, by totally removing the State’s role in developing an industrialized, self-reliant economy, in implementing agrarian reform, in promoting and protecting Filipino enterprises and producers, and in reserving our natural resources for Filipinos, Duterte’s Cha-Cha will leave small enterprises, workers and farmers having to fend for themselves from the onslaught of even more globalization.

These amendments are the culmination of 3 decades of “economic reforms” toward a totally free market, neoliberal economy. Combined with the existing policies of economic liberalization, deregulation and privatization, the amendments remove the last impediments to the total domination, control and plunder of our economy and natural resources by foreign corporations and banks.
We should've all heeded Casiño's warning. Now, we are all marching away from it. If there's one truth that's observed--FDIs are just there to exploit our resources and labor. The foreign ownership limit is also pure genius. Why should the Philippines allow FDIs to own 100% of their equities (and yes, I finally found out that it includes land ownership) when the majority of Filipinos should own the economic powers? CPG's scheme is pure genius! The 60-40 arrangement will allow the Philippines to get rich quick faster when FDIs are required to give up 60% of their earnings to our country. It will be much faster than if we only let them pay taxes and other necessary bills. The best way to know that something works is that you get rich quick really fast, according to the MARITES School of Business and  Economics. Didn't hear of the school? Well, that's because you're so stupid that you never found MARITES School of Economics located in Mandaluyong, the best business school in the world!

I finally stopped following Singapore as a role model 

This is what I did. I realized I spent a useless amount of money to buy LKY's garbage book called From Third World to First. Man, I should've bought Nationalist Economics by Lichauco himself. The book was later verified to be nothing but garbage. Singapore is a tyrannical country. Migrante International is not only right to call us to remember poor Flor Contemplacion, whose martyrdom should be best remembered. The best source to prove Contemplacion's innocence is The Flor Contemplacion Story--the best documentary I ever saw. I couldn't help but cry when I saw her own two sons play as themselves. After I watched the film, I decided to burn LKY's book at that very moment. I decided to get a copy of Lichauco's book at Magshopping Na Tayo Filipino First network.

Some can say that Singapore opened to FDI and became prosperous. Became prosperous at the cost of what? Now, I'm even convinced that it's the fault of Singapore that the Philippines is poor. Of course, it's the fault of the rich that the poor are poor! It was also an agreement between Singapore and the Philippines that led to the labor export policy. I even heard from Trust Me Bro and Dude Trust Me that the OFW phenomenon isn't caused by the 60-40 policy. Instead, it's caused because some sectors in the Philippines are no longer subjected to it. Singapore has been buying Filipino labor and it's abuse central. If you still love Singapore then remember Contemplacion. 

It's because the Philippines is huge and Singapore is small. If anything, Singapore taught other nations to exploit the Philippines. It's sad to hear how China and Vietnam also learned from Singapore. Now, both countries are also responsible for enslaving Filipinos. Many Filipinos have been torn apart from their families not because of protectionism but because of foreign exploitation. By allowing FDIs to invest here, more Filipinos seek greener pastures and greedy richer countries take advantage of that.

It's time for that grand national industrialization to take place

Listen to the people of Migrante International. We can all start to focus on the threefold agenda. We should focus on raising the prices of salaries, lowering the cost of goods, and giving cash handouts as part of this new policy. It can't be achieved you say? People are just jealous of such a wonderful economic plan of nationalism. We will start to do everything ourselves, forget FDIs, and start with a Pinoy Pride economic plan. 

The plan is for great national industrialization. The big plan isn't to accept FDIs but to protect local Filipino businesses. The MARITES School of Business and  Economics gives tons of empirical data that first-world countries are protectionists. IBON Foundation also verifies that neoliberalism and not protectionism caused the Marcos Sr. years to be a terrible nightmare. The big aim is to bring forward through protecting our local businesses. Added to it that local businesses must raise salaries, sell at a lower price, and the government must give cash handouts to all. By giving cash handouts to all, there will be higher demand and local businesses will have more customers.  You can forget about accounting books and the like because the MARITES School of Economics has long shown how the threefold plan has benefited first-world countries.

If there was one data that was never revealed was why the late Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward failed. No, it wasn't because China was a protectionist state. Rather, Mao started to allow foreigners to invest in China. Mao's real program was that he invited FDIs to help in the agriculture and making of iron. The result was that agriculture was so bad. The FDIs Mao invited even advised him to kill the sparrows. The FDIs Mao invited also added impure materials to his steel. The Great Leap Forward was that Mao wanted to invite FDIs. The truth was that the late Deng Xiaoping was a protectionist. Deng's protectionist policies made China progress better than the Philippines. 

Yes, I'm about to change to a whole new perspective. I'm going for protectionism, cash handouts, lower prices of goods, and increased salaries. It will be a new welfare state that will make the Philippines the greatest country in the world. Those who will not participate are really stupid. If you don't want to be stupid then join this movement. Only crazy people will not see the genius of this plan!

GOTCHA! HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY! Hope you enjoyed this satire!

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